Moonlight and The Red Cross

Dear international Moonlight fan community,

At Moonlightline en Español we are organizing a worldwide campaign to raise awareness of the whole Moonlight fan community and support the renewal of the show on TV, joining the philanthropic activities that American Moonlight fans have been conducting for the same purposes.

We have chosen September 28th, the anniversary of ML’s premiere in the USA, as a day when fans from around the world make a monetary donation to the Red Cross in Moonlight’s name.

We will be organizing the collection and report of the total funds raised in this web site as we receive donors’ notice of their donation in the following Email adress: The donations will go to the different programs of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world, and donors can choose the program they prefer when they make the actual donation in the IFRC web page. We plan to inform the media and the TV networks and cable channels in the USA about what we achieve in the campaign.

Because Moonlight has united the world

The instructions on how to make donations are available.
Please find detailed instructions on how to make your donation by clicking on your language of choice, in the column to your right.


66 Responses to “Moonlight and The Red Cross”


  2. Katherine Says:

    La lucha debe seguir para que sea renovada Moonlight y que mejor que ayudando a una buena causa como lo es la Cruz Roja, vamos que esto recién comienza!!!!!!!

  3. klaudialexa Says:

    Si, apoyemos esta hemosa campaña que es el fruto de nuestro inmenso amor por Moonlight, la cual nos inspiro a ayudar al mundo, como Mick ayudaba a los humanos, vamos la Cruz Roja y Moonlight lo valen.

  4. This is great, thank you for that!! Count me in.

    Moonlight forever :-))

  5. ¡Qué linda página!
    What a great web page!

    Va a ser fantástico hacer esta donación
    Making this donation will be fantastic

  6. Wonderful! I am so excited about this incredible idea to help people around the world and our beloved Moonlight too. I will be proud to be a part of it.

  7. No matter what happens in the future,we will continue to support this worthwhile cause in the name of Moonlight and Alex O’Loughlin. There is always a need, and each of us can contribute a little to collectively save a lot of lives.

  8. I am definitely in – what a great idea.

  9. Thanks for your great comments, Annett, Terry, Carolyn, Susanna and wonderful Latinamerican group of ML fans who have made this possible. There is no better way to show the strength of our wish to continue enjoying ML on our screens than to contribute to the work of this wonderful organization.

    Gracias por sus excelentes comentarios, Annett, Terry, Carolyn, Susanna y maravilloso grupo de fans latinoamericanas que han hecho esto posible. Qué mejor manera de demostrar nuestros deseos de ver de nuevo a ML en pantalla que ayudar con nuestras contribuciones al trabajo de esta maravillosa organización.

  10. I am in !!!!great idea of support Moonlight and help people …I do the BEST I can !!!

  11. I’m in!!!!!!
    We must fight for our dream of the second season…

    Dinorah, from Chile…

  12. Hey, Dinorah and Edziak,

    Thanks for expressing your support. In big numbers we will be able to help in world emergencies as we support the return our favorite show.

    Hola Dinorah y EdziaK,

    Gracias por expresar su apoyo. Si somos muchos podremos ayudar realmente en emergencias mundiales y, al tiempo, apoyar la vuelta de nuestro show favorito.

  13. klaudialexa Says:

    The most beautiful gift of Moonlight was giving us and we will continue to give the union of countries, cultures and conscience, support this beautiful and noble campaign donation to the Red Cross

  14. I’m very happy.
    Siamo cosi tante *_*

  15. Sí. Klaudia y Biam, somos muchos y sabemos lo que queremos: Ayudar a la gente mientras vuelve Moonlight a nuestras pantallas para seguir inspirándonos.

    Yes, Klaudia and Biam, we are many and we know what we want: to help people while we wait for our Moonlight to come back and continue inspiring us.

  16. Espero poder ayudar.. yo aun soy menor y no se si me dejarán hacer una donación así por las buenas.

    Y hay algo más pensado a parte de esa magnifica idea de la donación? Espero que la gente se movilice más y hayan más propuestas por parte de todos :p que nos vean leñes!!


  17. Buenisima idea, no solo ayudamos a quienes lo necesitan sino que demostramos asi todas las emociones positivas que nos hizo sentir cada personaje de nuestro programa preferido Moonlight. Adelante y a pasar la voz para que esto sea un triunfo mas para Moonlight y su regreso a la TV.
    Saludos a todos

  18. ¡Exccelente, Lithium y Aida!

    Noten que hay manera de hacer donaciones sin tarjeta de crédito (lean cuidadosamente las instrucciones en español escogiendo ese idioma en la columna de la derecha de esta página principal), que no creo que haya edad especial para donar, y que otras personas pueden donar por nosotros o donar además de nosotros (amigos, familia…) para esta causa excelente y para ayudarnos a apoyar nuestro Moonlight. ¡Trabajemos juntos para conseguir la mayor cantidad posible de donaciones el 28!

    Excellent, Lithium and Aida.

    Note there is a way to contribute with donations with no credit card (choose your language in the right-hand column of this main page to read the detailed instructions). I do not think there is a special age-range to be a donor, and other people can donate for us or besides us (friends, family). Anybody would feel great about contributing to the worldwide programs of the Red Cross, and the people who love us could be interested in helping us support our beloved Moonlight. Let’s work together to get as many donations as possible on the 28th!

  19. Ya lo leí bien!! iré a donar!!! ò.ó

    ¿No hay manera de enviar un comunicado a la Cruz Roja en donde se explique toda esta campaña? Quizás recibamos algo de ayuda de ahí también. Se podría hacer que los que donáramos ese día por moonlight se diferenciara de alguna forma de una donación normal. Porque sino podría hacerse pasar por “un día con alguna que otra donación de más” sobre todo si esa cadena sigue estando de cabezota. Harán cualquier cosa por hacerse los locos.

    Saludos! ^_^

  20. Hola Lithium,

    Poner Moonlight en el espacio de la “empresa” en la página de donaciones de la FIRC ya identifica tu donación como donación de nuestra campaña. Es MUY importante hacerlo. Apenas haces tu donación, la CR te manda un certificado con un número, que nos permite a nosotros, cuando tú nos lo mandes a nuestra dirección de Email, sumar lo que has aportado al total pro Moonlight.

  21. Saving lives and bringing Moonlight back for a second season well that’s just a win, win situation. Count me in.

  22. Wonderful!!!
    Siamo davvero tante *_____*

  23. I am so exicted to be a part of this!!! It’s so positive and it lets the Powers That Be of Moonlight know how much we love the show. I am so happy to donate, and I hope we continue donating in the future also.

  24. Well, Chris, Alice, and MArtha, definitely a win win situation. We are a lot of people and can make a difference and get our voices heard. And the idea about continuing donating after the 28th is something we can definitely consider. Let’s work for the 28th, and then we will see.

    Let people know this is happening!


    Bueno, Chris, Alice y Martha, ésta es definitivamente una situación que no tiene pérdida. Podemos hacer la diferencia y al tiempo hacer oir nuestras voces. Y la idea de continuar donendo despiés del 28 es para considerar. Trabajemos para el 28 y entonces veremos.

    ¡Pasen la voz!

  25. It gives me great pleasure to know I’m donating to such a good cause. Thanks for setting this up! I hope our efforts are seen by the “Powers” out there!

  26. Oh yes, Helloweeze, that’s the idea. Thanks for being with us all the way and from the very start.


    Sí Helloweeze, es la idea. Mil gracias por estar con nosotros desde el principio.

  27. This is a great way to get people all over to unite to a wonderful cause to donate to our world of people the need help. This all due to this TV show called Moonlight as this become United Moonlight Love. Thanks for doing this.

  28. Is there anything set up in Canada, I live in Mississauga, Ontario? I haven’t heard anything here.

  29. Worldwide recognition for MOONLIGHT fans plus valuable donations to serve our fellow human beings!! Such an excellent idea and one I heartily contribute to.
    VSRRR! Pam

  30. la union hace la fuerza y la fuerza la diferencia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……………….no pueden dejar a la audiencia sin un final o segunda temporada porque en si la serie en mi pais es muy famosa………..esperemos que hay ga cambios positivos y que podamos deleitarnos con nuevos capitulos de estupenda serie

  31. Dear Audrey!

    Welcome. This is for you and all Canadian Moonlight fans to participate, as well as for fans all around the world. Please help us spreading the word in Canada.

    Dear Laura, Pam and Ivonne,

    Thanks for your support. Moonlight and the communities in need around the world deserve it.

    Querida Audrey!

    Bienvenida. Esta campaña es para que tú y todos los fans canadienses de Moonlight participen, así como para todos los fans de Moonlight alrededor del mundo. Ayúdanos a pasar la voz en Canada.

    Queridas Laura, Pam e Ivonne,

    Gracias por el apoyo. Moonlight y las comunidades necesitadas de todo el mundo se lo merecen.

  32. An especial thanks to you Pam to give us all your support since the begin, a big Latin Hug my friend in vampire solidarity!!!

  33. Great idea! I will be donating and will be encouraging fellow Moonlight fans in New Zealand to do the same =D

  34. I donated already to them and said it was because of Moonlight, but I will do it again 9/28.

  35. Me again… Have you guys made a Facebook event? I did a search but couldn’t find one. It’d be a good tool for spreading the word about this campaign. I can make it if you would like me to but thought the official organisers might prefer to keep control of this (although if you want, I can make the initial event and am happy to make you co-administrators). Let me know =) I’m also at MoonlightLine as ramtash.

  36. Dear Kathleen,
    Thanks SO much. And we understand. One feels like donating a bit everyday, really.

    Oh Tash!!!!!!!
    A facebook event! This is great, as is calling your fellow New Zealand Moonlight fans. Thanks SO much!

    Querida Kathleen

    MIL gracias. T te entendemos. Uno siente ganas de donar un poco cada día, realmente.

    ¡¡¡¡¡Y Tash!!!!!
    Hacer de nuestra campaña un evento en Facebook! Fantástico, igual que convocar a todos nuestros compañeros fans de Nueva Zelanda. MIL y MIL gracias!

  37. Great idea! I am from Germany and love this series, very sad if they truly stop it. It must go on in the manner it was.

  38. Hey Tash, our event in MySpace is as awsome as the one in FaceBook! Thanks SO much.

    Gwendolyn, the more noise we make, the more we tell the interested people that we are still here waiting for Moonlight to come back. And while we wait, we help people in need around the world!

    Hola Tash nuestro evento en MySpace es tan fabuloso como el que anunciaste en FaceBook. Mil gracias!

    Y Gwendolyn, entre más ruido hagamos, más sabrá la gente interesada que todavía estamos esperando que vuelva Moonlight. Y mientras esperamos ayudamos a la gente necesitada en todo el mundo!

  39. Hola! esto me parece una fantastica idea, pero como puedo participar¿¿¿??? la verdad es que no me he enterado muy bien. Me encantaría que echaran una segunda, tercera, cuarta, quinta…. temporada :P(con tal de ver a Mick y a los demás)

    Saludos a todos!

  40. Bea puedes entrar directamente a la página en español dentro de este mismo sitio y enterarte cómo hacer para donar , tienes varias opciones de acuerdo a la que creas es la más acorde.
    Gracias por tu apoyo !!!

  41. I’m amazed to see that people love this show as much as I do….

    Question, what are the plans to reactivate this show?

    What do you intend to do with the donations to help this show come back?

    Thank you!

    (Tambien hablo español)

  42. Si Jucardi, si logramos la atención de los medios tendremos una hermosa ocasión para demostrar realmente
    cuántos fans somos, dónde estamos y que ciertamente no dejaremos de pelear por la segunda temporada de la serie. Esta campaña ayudará a marca presencia internacional, un hecho por cierto inèdito hasta el momento….
    Hay que participar!!

  43. TAAA mortal que hagan esto!!
    realmente s muy bueno que se haga una ayuda caritativa a traves de un programa!!! me parece aun mejor que los actores se unan porque asi demuestra que si todo el mundo, le pone espuerzo a las cosas realmente se logran!!!!

  44. Gracias, gracias, gracias , todos los fans nos sentimos orgullosos de este movimiento global y lo que Moonlight ha logrado en nosotros.

    Monnlight “para siempre” Ra! Ra! Ra!
    Vampire Solidarity Ra! Ra! Ra!
    Tribu Internacional Ra! Ra! Ra!

  45. Uniti per Moonlight

    Solidarietà Vampirica ra!ra!ra!ra!

  46. Vampire solidarity, rah rah rah!!

    This is an amazing campaign and I can’t wait to donate on Sunday!

  47. Thank you for setting up this collection campaign. It is a Great Idea.
    I made my donations earlier today. Happy 1st Annversary Moonlight.


  48. Well, here we are. It is Sunday, Sept. 28th. Happy Moonlight anniversary! Have you all donated? Remember it is also possible to donate tomorrow, Monday 29th.
    Check this opening page often to see how the total increases (top, right-hand column).

    Bueno, ¡aquí estamos! Es Domingo 28 de septiembre. ¡Feliz aniversario de Moonlight! ¿Ya hicieron su donación? Recuerden que también se puede donar mañana, lunes 29.
    Revisen a menudo esta página para ver cómo sube la cuenta (columna de la derecha, arriba).

  49. Lynn Crammond Says:

    Happy Anniversary, Moonlight! Like Mick said, “Life is short.” What a joy those 16 episodes were…

    VSRRR (still)

  50. So sad for an anniversary to be the time when we don’t see S2 yet…still hopefull for something.

    Love our Moonlight!

  51. I donated on the 27th yesterday … I am so proud to be part of this amazing campaign … lets do it again … 6 months, a year or whenever I’m in ..

  52. I donated today. So glad everyone is pitching in to give and be a part of such a great cause in the name of Moonlight. Here it is 1 year later and we’re still a part of the drama of that show we all love. It had such an impact on all of us. I’m still going for it. We at wrote the WB steadily about the DVD for us in America and they heard our cries! So I haven’t given up yet. We could still get something even if its a movie…

  53. What a great idea, i always give to The Red Cross…..but now for me
    to give in the name of”Moonlight and Alex O’loughlin” is my pleasure,
    I agree lets do this again;)

  54. Lynn, Selene, Nana and Regina,

    You are right. You feel great doing this, and we may still get more Moonlight. We will have to consider doing this repeatedly. Thanks!

  55. I am so happy to donate on this 1st anniversary of MOONLIGHT. I’m impressed with the numbers I’ve seen and can’t wait to see the final amount. The Red Cross is such a worthy agency and its with pride that I donate in memory of MOONLIGHT. May it also help draw the attention we need for a return in some way of this beloved show.

  56. Just what we are hoping this will do, Justmick. Thank you for sharing our effrts and hopes.

  57. Silvana what does the 8K represent & what does 106 donations mean .. I’m confused … does this represent the entire US or world-wide ..

  58. I was happy to participate in this campaign. However I am disappointed in the Moonlight fans not coming out in force.

    However, any donations can help the Red Cross.

  59. que vuelva moonlight

  60. Yes, I know we are not looking at great numbers now. But we suspect not everyone sent the confirmation message from the Red Cross to us.

    We also need to add a yet unknown number of Australian fans who will contribute more tnan $1000 dollars they have reported to us having collected in their own Australian Red Cross fund. They will infom us soon. And I am trying to get a report from the American Red Cross about donations made in the name of Moonlight during tha past week and the weekend.

    I think we still need some time to present more realistic numbers. Be patient! We will have an estimate soon, and then, later on, we will get the formal Red Cross report.

  61. Moonlightkitty Says:

    Hello together,
    did you get the reports from europe? Many people here in europe heard your crying and we donated for our beloved ML!
    We’ll support you in any possible way!
    So please tell us the results from the european donations, I think it’ll be a lot of money …

    We won’t give up – sixteen short episodes, that’s not all – it must still go on!

    And I’m proud of being a part of this great campaign! So, when will you start the next one? 🙂


  62. espero que continuemos la lucha ya que si bale la pena ayuden todos

  63. soloquiero seguir viendo estacc esta fabulosa serie yme parece maravillosa la idea de alludar en la cruz roja.

  64. es una serie fantastica ,lo tiene todo un actor que borda su papel estabamos hartos del sadico vampico que resultaba cansino. le han dado un toque humano y luchador espero con entusiasmo prosimos capitulos

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